CHC Training Website

This project was a complete redesign and rebuild of CHC Training's existing website, including a full reworking of their training course sign-up process. My initial involvement in the project was to design icons, colors and UI for their product preview boxes, pictured on their shop page. My work evolved into a leadership role, overseeing my own work as well as my teammates' involvement on some of the smaller components of the build.

Our main goal for the site was to create a fully dynamic system that would automatically pull course information from product pages in order to display it across the site. Our second goal was to create one order form that could be used across all (80+) course sign up forms. Another goal was to create a dynamic filtering system that could work anywhere needed across the site.

This site truly challenged my existing skill set, and ultimately helped me grow leaps and bounds as a developer. While the actual logic of making the forms work was a team effort, I created the functionality and worked with the Gravity Forms development team to get something that would work for our use case. I re-wrote an existing PHP script to automatically integrate form signups with Canvas, an online teaching platform, and wrote about a dozen PHP hooks to get our product page data displaying the correct custom fields. I wrote a JQuery script using a mutation observer to get the correct data displaying on the map page, and wrote a few JS scripts to fix button functionality, add wrapper links, and get the correct pieces of information showing across the site.

Additionally, I worked with our Jr. Designer to oversee the homepage design for the site, and I adapted that look and feel into the inner pages. I was also responsible for creating my own timeline on the project, running internal meetings, and creating a how-to guide for the client to make product edits to the site.

View: CHC Training

Roles: Development, Wireframing, Inner Page Design, Art Direction, Project Management, Domain & Host Transfer

Tools: HTML, CSS, JS & JQuery, PHP, Wordpress, Elementor, Gravity Forms, ACF, JetEngine, Search & Filter Pro, Illustration